What You Need to Know About Going to Your Charlotte Traffic Court Hearing

Wooden Gavel With Police Lights in the Background | Charlotte Traffic Ticket Lawyer

Unlike in many other states, you will be required to attend a mandatory court hearing to resolve your traffic ticket unless it is a very minor waivable offense in North Carolina. If you are like many people, you may have never attended a court hearing before. Knowing what to expect can help you prepare for the hearing and achieve a better outcome than just pleading guilty and accepting the consequences. Our Charlotte traffic ticket lawyer explains more below.

What to Wear to Your Hearing

You do not have to wear formal clothes like a suit and tie, but you should dress professionally. If possible, wear business casual clothes, and avoid wearing t-shirts, shirts with slogans, blue jeans, or a hat.

Plan to Arrive at Your Hearing Early

You should plan to arrive at your hearing at least 15 to 30 minutes before it is scheduled. This will ensure that you are not late. You will need to find parking, go through the courthouse security line, and find your courtroom, which can all take time. You will make a good impression on the judge if you are on time.

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What Happens at Your Court Hearing

The court will schedule many other traffic hearings at the same time as yours, so it could take hours for your case to be heard. Here is what you can expect to happen:

While it can be helpful to have a basic understanding of what happens at traffic court hearings, your best strategy is to retain an experienced traffic ticket attorney in Charlotte. He can help you build a strong defense to the charges you face and negotiate with the prosecutor on your behalf so that you achieve the best possible outcome. He may also be able to attend the hearing without you being present. To find out about our extensive experience in these cases and how we can assist you, call our Charlotte office or fill out our online form to schedule a free consultation today.

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Have you Received a Traffic Citation in Charlotte, NC?

If you received a traffic citation, you need to speak with an experienced traffic ticket attorney as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Charlotte office directly at 980-207-3355 to schedule your free consultation.