The IACUC Amendment Form

This protocol application is the official Institutional record for your research and serves to document its potential value and humaneness.

This document must be complete and accurate so it can stand alone as a full description of your research project. Your application is subject to on-site review by the USDA, AAALAC, and PHS (OLAW).

Form Facts

Form Type: Word Document

Updated: 02/01/2014

Form Instructions

PDF Documents

Acrobat PDF documents require the free Adobe Reader.

Excel Documents

Microsoft Excel requires Microsoft Office or a free alternative such as Open Office.

Downloading Software

You can find the software needed to view the forms under UB's Information Technology Download Guide.

MicroPET Facilities

Find facilities for Positron Emission Tomography for small animals at CTRC.

AAALAC Accreditation.

“The Council commends the staff for providing and maintaining a sound program oflaboratory animal care and use. Especially noteworthy were the overall veterinary commitment to animal care and the presence of
veterinary technicians throughout the program; the robust animal environmental enrichment program; the quality veterinary medical records and attention to humane endpoints, including detailed scoring sheets; and the veterinary staff’s innovative refinement solutions,
such as the rodent ambu-bags.”

Animal Research Policies

Review additional live-animal research and care policies and resources.

Click and OnCore Training

Register for Click or OnCore systems training.

Compliance Training

Many federal and institutional compliance regulations require training, both in person and/or online, often before you are allowed to begin your research.

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