Amending the IEP

These factors should never influence decisions about a student’s IEP. The focus must always remain on ensuring that the IEP meets the student’s unique needs in the least restrictive environment.

Amending the IEP after the annual review

Amendments to an IEP may be made after the annual review by the IEP team at an IEP team meeting or, in limited circumstances, without holding an IEP team meeting.

An IEP cannot be changed without a meeting:

Either the school/CSE or the parent can request an amendment. If the school proposes an amendment without a meeting, the parent must provide written consent for the changes to be made.

Procedure for amending an IEP without a meeting

  1. The IEP team must clearly describe all proposed changes on the Waiver of IEP Meeting to Amend IEP form in a way that is easy for the parent to understand.
  2. The form must be sent to the parent, and the IEP team designee must discuss the proposed changes with the parent to ensure full understanding.
  3. If the parent does not understand, disagrees, or does not respond, the changes cannot be made without an IEP team meeting.
  4. If the parent agrees and signs the waiver, the changes can be made.
  5. A copy of the amended IEP and the Prior Written Notice (PWN): Recommendation must be sent to the parent within 10 business days.
  6. All relevant teachers, related service providers, and administrators must be informed of the changes and any new responsibilities.

Amending the IEP without a meeting does not change the date of the next annual review.
